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  • Tanya Jewell

Update on Toffee

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share an update on Toffee’s health. As many of you know, Toffee’s been on quite a journey lately with some concerning symptoms in her back right leg. After a lot of worry and visits to the vet, we finally have some clarity on her condition—and a glimmer of hope for her recovery.

The Vet's Findings

We were initially concerned that Toffee might be suffering from hip dysplasia, a condition that can be difficult to manage. However, after a thorough examination by the specialist vet, it turns out that hip dysplasia isn’t the issue. Instead, Toffee has an incidental finding related to her right tarsals. This means that there’s something going on in that area, but the specifics are still unclear.

The vet suggested that further imaging, such as an MRI or CT scan, could help pinpoint the exact problem. However, as many of you know, these procedures can be quite costly, and unfortunately, our insurance won’t cover the expenses for them. This left us at a crossroads, unsure of how best to proceed.

Unexpected Good News

Toffee has been showing significant improvement this week. She hasn’t skipped on her back right leg at all, which is a huge relief. Additionally, her energy levels at agility training have noticeably increased. She’s been running with enthusiasm and participating in her usual activities with more vigor than we’ve seen in a while.

What Could This Mean?

Given these positive changes, it’s possible that Toffee’s issue might have been a muscle strain or some other temporary condition that has now healed. Muscle strains can sometimes cause lameness and discomfort, but with rest and proper care, they often resolve on their own. Toffee’s recent improvements align with this possibility, suggesting that her body is healing and her muscles are getting back to normal.

Moving Forward

Even though we don’t have all the answers, we’re choosing to focus on the positives. Toffee’s improved mobility and increased energy are fantastic signs that she’s on the mend. We’re continuing to monitor her closely and ensuring that she gets plenty of rest and gentle exercise to support her recovery.

We’re also continuing with the Canine Conditioning exercises and taking Toffee for a swim in the sea at least twice a week.

Thank You for Your Support

Thank you once again for watching and being a part of Toffee’s story.

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