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Hi! I’m Tanya,
I can't wait to meet you and your dogs 

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I am on a journey of learning everything about Canine health. I am currently studying with the Canine Conditioning Academy so that I can offer conditioning assessments and  offer programs for Dogs in person and online.


I have been a human Physiotherapist for 15 years. I have worked within many specialties and I currently specialise in Women's and Men's Health and in Desk Ergonomics. If you would like to know more then please visit my website: It has always been a dream of mine to be able to work with animals and now my dream is starting to come true. I will complete the Canine Conditioning Course in April 2025. 

I am also qualified as a Canine First Aid instructor. 


I have two dogs that have helped inspire this change. Truman, the black Labradoodle is 11 and starting to slow down. I am glad that I will be learning how to work with him to keep him strong.


Toffee is a Cocker Spaniel. She will be 2 this summer. I am loving doing all sorts of activities with her. Seeing her work hard at Agility and Scent Hurdles I want to make sure that she is well conditioned for her sport.




Meet Daisy

Daisy is an up and coming agility dog. She is doing great and starting to have clear rounds and to be placed in competitions. 


Daisy was my first case study. Mum said that she is doing great but can get aggressive with the other dogs in the evenings. Could this be due to discomfort?​


Meet Koda

Koda is a stunning dog who is doing great in the show world. He was my second case study, he has great confirmation but we found a few postural anomalies that we are keen to improve as he goes through his conditioning journey.


It would be great if we could improve these and see if he then ranks higher in the show world


Meet Remus

Remus loves his agility. I chose him as a case study as being a big lad and doing agility he may be susceptible to injury.


German Shepherds are prone to spinal problems and hind limb weakness due to their confirmation. The plan is to get Remus really strong so that he can carry on doing what he loves.


Meet Blu

Blu was an accidental case study. I was watching her doing agility and couldn't put my finger on her strange gait.


I asked her mum to trot and canter for me on video so that I could slow it down.


When I slowed it down I was shocked to see her flattening her lower front legs all the way to her calcaneus even in a slow trot. 


Following Vet check she has been diagnosed with hypermobility. I am now working with her to build up as much strength in her joints as possible.


Meet Quinn

Quinn is a gorgeous show cocker spaniel puppy. 


He has been the darling of our training group. He was initially coming along with his big brother Fred and the whole group have loved seeing him.


I thought it would be great to start conditioning off with him at a young age. He is likely to be a sport dog and has already started his scent training journey.


How great to be able to start him with all of the condiotning, body awareness and confidence training from such a young age. 


Meet Toffee and Truman

Toffee and Truman are my dogs. Toffee is 2 and loves any sport and training. She struggles with some right hind limb tension as you will see in my blogs so conditioning is really important for her.


Truman is 11 and has been slowing down for the past few years. I am using conditioning with him to maintain his flexibility and strength.

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